Emma Ruth Rundle + Jaye Jayle

Emma Ruth Rundle + Jaye Jayle

Jaye Jayle

The show opened with a dark and haunting set by Jaye Jayle (Evan Patterson from Young Widows) introducing his new album "No Trail and Other Unholy Paths”; a fantastic cinematic piece of music produced by Dean Hurley, who happens to be David Lynch’s music supervisor. I couldn’t think of a better collaborator to bring this album to life. The record feels like a midnight road trip in a land of eternal darkness. The music is austere, Evan’s baritone voice is enigmatic, and the instrumentation is layered and elegant. On stage and in the album, Emma Ruth Rundle comes in adding an extra layer of vocals that perfectly complement the mood of the show.

Emma Ruth Rundle

As the evening evolved, Emma Ruth Rundle took the stage with her band and Evan Patterson on guitar. The lights were brighter yet the music stayed somber. She introduced songs from her brilliant new release “On Dark Horses”―the perfect follow up to her split EP with Patterson “The Time Between Us.” With this new album the production feels grittier, yet atmospheric and evocative. The show was intimate;  Emma Ruth Rundle, in her own personal way, always creates a sublime connection with her audience. Her lyrics might be personal, but the music is universal. 

The organic collaboration between these two artists made the music feel like a score of a neo-noir film, yet to be written. A piece told in two acts, beginning with the minimalistic and eerie sound of Jaye Jayle and closing with the powerful sound of Emma Ruth Rundle.

Saint Vitus, Brooklyn.

Family Portraits: